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Merrivale Standing Stones

Merrivale Standing Stones and avenue – Remains of a Bronze Age settlement and a complex of ritual sites, including three stone rows, a stone circle, standing stones, and a number of cairns – earth mounds associated with burials. The monuments were probably built over a long period, between about 2500 BC and 1000 BC.





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Rhuddlan Castle

Rhuddlan Castle is a castle located in Rhuddlan, Denbighshire, Wales. It was erected by Edward I in 1277, following the First Welsh War.   The story of Rhuddlan goes back much further than the fortress built by Edward I. Prior to the Norman occupation of

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Monmouth Castle

Monmouth Castle is a castle in the town of Monmouth, the county town of Monmouthshire, southeast Wales. It is a Grade I listed building and scheduled monument. Monmouth Castle is located close to the center of Monmouth on a hill above the River Monnow, behind

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Scandinavian York, referred to at the time as Jórvík or Danish York is a term used by historians for the south of Northumbria (modern-day Yorkshire) during the period of the late 9th century and the first half of the 10th century, when it was dominated

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Stanton Drew Stone Circles

The Stanton Drew stone circles are just outside the village of Stanton Drew in the English county of Somerset. The largest stone circle is the Great Circle, 113 meters in diameter and the second largest stone circle in Britain (after Avebury); it is considered to

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