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Fenwick Treasure

Buried for safe-keeping below the floor of a house in Roman Colchester during the Boudican revolt in AD 61. The treasure consists of 26 Roman republican coins, mostly silver, and which had been kept in a bag; the remains of a small wooden and silver jewelry box or pyxis; a gold bracelet; two gold armlets; a copper-alloy amulet necklace or bulla; a silver armlet decorated with images of panthers; two silver bracelets; five gold finger-rings, one of which is decorated with the image of a dolphin; a silver chain and loop; a pair of gold earrings; a pair of pearl earrings; and a tiny glass intaglio engraved with the image of a panther. These represent items of male and female jewelry, and the recurring motif of panthers may indicate an association with the name of the owner. One of the coins is a fascinating silver legionary denarius of Marcus Antonius, issued in 32-31 BC: it is inscribed ‘Legio XVII Classica’ and it may represent an issue of Roman military four-monthly pay on campaign or a special one-off payment on the day before the famous naval battle of Actium. The Fenwick treasure includes some beautiful jewelry and tells a remarkable story, but the silver legionary denarius has a remarkable story all of its own

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Bungay Castle

Bungay Castle is in the town of Bungay, Suffolk by the River Waveney.   Originally this was a Norman castle built by Roger Bigod of Norfolk, around 1100, which took advantage of the protection given by the curve of the River Waveney. Roger’s son, Hugh

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Castle Rising

Castle Rising is a ruined medieval fortification in the village of Castle Rising, Norfolk, England. It was built soon after 1138 by William d’Aubigny II, who had risen through the ranks of the Anglo-Norman nobility to become the Earl of Arundel. With his new wealth,

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Framlingham Castle

Framlingham Castle is a castle in the market town of Framlingham in Suffolk in England. An early motte and bailey or ringwork Norman castle was built on the Framlingham site by 1148, but this was destroyed (slighted) by Henry II of England in the aftermath

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Sutton Valence

Sutton Valence Castle is a ruined medieval fortification in the village of Sutton Valence in Kent, England. Overlooking a strategic route to the coast, the original castle probably comprised an inner and an outer bailey and a protective barbican, with a three-story high keep on

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