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Wookey Hole Caves

Wookey Hole Caves – Fossils of a range of animals have been found including the Pleistocene lion, Cave hyena, and Badger. Wookey Hole was occupied by humans in the Iron Age, possibly around 250-300 BC, while nearby Hyena Cave was occupied by Stone Age hunters. Badger Hole and Rhinoceros Hole are two dry caves on the slopes above the Wookey ravine near the Wookey Hole resurgence and contain in situ cave sediments laid down during the Ice Age. Just outside the cave the foundations of a 1st-century hut have been identified. These had been built on during the Roman era up to the end of the 4th century.


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Castle Rising

Castle Rising is a ruined medieval fortification in the village of Castle Rising, Norfolk, England. It was built soon after 1138 by William d’Aubigny II, who had risen through the ranks of the Anglo-Norman nobility to become the Earl of Arundel. With his new wealth,

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Devil’s Quoits

  Devil’s Quoits Henge and Stone Circle – The site is believed to be from the Neolithic Period, between 4000 and 5000 years old, and is a Scheduled Ancient Monument. The henge is a major class II circle henge monument of the Late Neolithic date.

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Kit’s Coty

 Kit’s Coty is a chambered long barrow near the village of Aylesford in the southeastern English county of Kent. Constructed circa 4000 BCE, during the Early Neolithic period of British prehistory.   The name “Kits Coty” allegedly means “Tomb in the Forest” according to signs

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Usk Castle

Usk Castle is a castle site in the town of Usk in central Monmouthshire, southeast Wales, United Kingdom. Within the castle, and incorporating parts of its gatehouse, stands Castle House.   Usk castle and town was probably laid out and established in 1120, after some

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